Saturday I got to go on a date with my boys. Actually, as it turned out, I was a tag along on a date with Luke and Daddy!!! Luke adores jumping. Daddy claimed he was going to jump off the highest platform. Luke has done the lower 2 (there are 3 total) but never the top. Well, Daddy decided to start on the middle platform and work his way up. Well, he got up to the second one, got scared and climbed down to the lowest. Where are my pictures of all this, you might ask? Well, they forgot to tell me they were headed to the platforms, so my nose was burried in a book! Crap. That would have been awesome blackmail!!!
Luke: Mom, did you finish my blanket? Mom: No, I ran out of thread and Wal-mart is out. So, I am up a creek without a paddle. Kat: What did she say? Luke: She is a freak with a paddle. Kat: What does that have to do with threads or blankets? Luke: Don't know.
born in 1973. have lived in utah, idaho, texas, idaho, texas, idaho, oregon, washington, idaho, texas, utah, texas and utah (in that order). graduated from madison high in '91, ricks college in '93 and university of idaho in '95. i'm a registered dietitian. married chris in 1993. ali joined the family in 1995, kat in 1997 and luke in 2000. we have a dog and cat. i'm a mormon.